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Sometimes, an abrasion hurts the most. That thin film of skin scraped from the flesh. That stinging wound too shallow to trigger blood....

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Of Queues and Daydreams

Long lines
How much longer?

Long queues
Am I to wonder?
About witches and wizards
And mutants and fairies?
About daydreams--
Both reachable and farfetched
About fantasies--
Both of innocent romances
And of guilty pleasures?

Am I to continue guessing?
Is that person staring?
Should I stop mouthing lyrics?
I'm running low on breath mints

Lull moments
Am I to endure awkward silences?
Am I to suffer idle chit-chat?
Am I supposed to enjoy this torture?
Waiting is the worst.

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