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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Some Thoughts on Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno (Movie Review)

Hajime Saito

Hajime Saito is still hot and cool at the same time. My sentiments are the same with the first movie though—Saito in the series has a more indifferent vibe. Oh well, you can’t have everything.

Makoto Shishio

I’ve said this before. I don’t like their pick for Makoto Shishio. Shishio is tall and thin; Takuya Fujiwara is neither.

Farewell scene

What was that? Thirty seconds or less? In daylight? What happened to the fireflies? What happened to the cloak of darkness adding mystery to Kenshin’s quest? What happened to Kaoru’s painfully sweet tears? Of course, the director explained why he opted to change the scene, but still . . . the feels . . . Mr. Otomo just ruined my childhood.


I still don’t get it why they did not introduce Aoshi in the first installment. They were adding him in the storyline anyway. Why didn’t they give him a more solid character in the first place? He just went on like a broken record, asking everybody where Battosai was. The actor is handsome though, with slender muscles showing on his sexy biceps. He was still like a broken record in the series, but at least it was more poetic. His lines were sort of like, “I will take the title of “Strongest” and decorate it on the graves of my men.” I’m too lazy to give a back story to the noobs. Just look it up online.


The actress sorta looks like someone I know. Hello, Alya Mongaya. :) You have a doppelganger in the new RuroKen movie! ;)


You have to give it to the kid. He totally stole the scene! They should give him an award: best child actor in the screaming role. His cries were perfect.

Fight scenes

The fight scenes were great! I was dissatisfied with Kenshin and Sojiro’s initial fight though. Maybe because the setting was different and one character was missing. That large dude was not a major character, so I guess it was okay to omit him in the movie. But they could have made the fight more exciting. I have a big feeling that they will compensate through Kenshin and Sojiro’s final fight.

Sano and Kenshin’s moment

It was awesome! I know it had bromance written all over it, but I couldn’t help getting the feels. Can’t see it? Well, imagine Sano with a wet look just inches away from Kenshin’s face. I shriek and giggle internally.

Kaoru as bait

Are you fucking kidding me? They made Kaoru look weak. She did nothing but fight the enemies in the series, and they just let Sojiro snatch her in the movie. This modification is a travesty!

Kenshin, Sano, and Saito’s deck scene

I love this scene in the series. I love how Saito kept calling Sano baka when in the end, Sano’s strength helped in bringing the ship down. Too bad they did not include that in the movie. Instead, they decided to kidnap Kaoru and make her look helpless. The only explanation that came up is fan service—damsel in distress with the fearless samurai at her heels.


We were pretty sure that was Hiko in the final scene. But what the hell, man. What the hell did they do to his outfit? His coat was gone, and his clothes were all baggy and dull. Ugh. The actor who portrayed him is handsome though. ;)

Affirmations? Violent reactions? Additional thoughts? Feel free to comment below.

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