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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

On blog sites and writing

This entry was written, like, five months ago. I still don't like Wordpress, by the way. 
I wrote my first entry in my Wordpress account yesterday. While writing, I realized that Wordpress isn’t really for me. My friends have been nagging me to open an account and start to write. They say I’m too lazy, that I procrastinate too much. Maybe I’m intimidated by it, who knows? Maybe it’s too complicated for my stupid mind, who cares?
The thing is, I don’t want to force myself to like or do something just because my friends say so - or because it looks cool or smart. So what if I don’t have a Wordpress account? (Well technically it’s still there, but I already condemned it to dormancy.) I don’t write anything sensible anyway (but I do too, occasionally. :p)
To tell the truth, I’m more comfortable writing in Tumblr than in any other sites. Wait, I forgot about Facebook. :) I have lots of notes in Facebook too. Random things, really. 
So to hell with everything else.  
Hell, I'm on blogspot now. What up! Ha! I'm such a fickle-minded bitch. :/

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