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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Reflection on Flowers

What's with a flower? I mean yea, it's beautiful in every way but, why is it always a symbol for courtship, professions of love, or beauty? Men give women fresh flowers today and then what? Two, five, seven days later they become weathered weeds. Just give a stone, for all I care.

I mean, a flower is not enough to represent such a solid, deep, forever thing as love. It withers; it dies. Yes, it promises beauty and love but, I believe, for only a short time.

On the contrary though, I think it can very well serve a purpose. It's a man's way of saying, "Hey! I like you 'coz you're pretty and cool but I'm not sure if I can feel the same way tomorrow." Hell, some of the guys don't even believe in what they call love these days.

Right. A flower can be a symbol of women, love, and beauty. It can symbolize their majesty, royalty, charm, their frailty, ignorance... the hours, minutes, seconds of their importance.

How stupid a flower can be if she thinks she can last forever, that she can go through the test of greed, pride, time and still come out unravished, sparkling, unconquered. 
And these men? Are the sizes of their brains the same? Come on, there are hundreds even thousands of things to represent what they feel for the person they love. A flower is a cliche. Don't they have any initiative to profess their love in any unique way? Without doubt they can be a little bit creative and find something worthy for the lady's eye -- not something so finite it perishes moments after.

Unless, they think that a woman does not deserve more, or a flower is all that she deserves. Which is, for me, very shallow, insensitive, and unreal. Of course, a flower brightens a woman's mood because it's her initial reaction, her appreciation for beauty and act of love. But didn't it occur to you that if you give a woman something weird or alien she won't just accept it and say she's happy? That she might stop and think why on earth would anybody give her something like that? 

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Then and there, she may realize that however funny or weird that thing may be, its characteristics signify a deeper, more sensible and sensitive meaning of who you are and what you feel for her. That way, she may treasure not only your gift but your love as well.

So to hell with flowers. They are just vain creatures hungry for attention and affection. Which serves them right, because they can't live very long and the spotlight is their only compensation.

Created: 2/13/09      

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