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Saturday, August 11, 2012

National Language My Ass

This is an outrage. An abomination in itself. This unbelievable person linked this article to his Facebook status, supporting it with his shitty remark. To put this article's opinion bluntly, forcing to teach Filipino to schools is a vain attempt at nationalism, and it won't help the Filipinos' global competence.

I say that's bullshit. Just because you feel your language is hopeless, you're willing to toss it aside and embrace the tongue of the one who exploited you for more than 300 years? It's like replacing your arm with steel because it's not good enough--for you. Okay, maybe you think that a robot arm is better because your arm is broken and, thus, useless. Now, you can go on living--and even better--because you have a brand new arm. But you can't deny that one important fact, eating the back of your mind, that you lost a part of you. You're not human anymore. You're part robot now.

Well, maybe some people want to be a robot, but I don't. Leche. What kind of mentality is that? Actually, I started this post a few weeks ago but was too busy to finish it. Yes, I would like to learn Spanish if the opportunity arises, but not to the point of embracing it as my own. Learning Spanish is just like learning English or Chinese or Nihongo or Hangul. If I'm going to learn the language, I'm going to do it because of cultural appreciation and the more practical reason of arming yourself from two-timing assholes who try to trick you because they think you can't understand them. Well, fuck them.

Damn, I want to write more curses, but looks like my brain just shut down. Just thinking more of this moronic possibility makes me want to saliva vomit. Lecheng mga tao to. Naturingan pa namang mga Pilipino.


  1. Apparently, this guy doesn't know our history. He might as well fly to Spain and worship the ones who enslaved and tortured his ancestors.

  2. I know him. He's got really twisted views on politics and religion---well, things in general. :/
