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Sometimes, an abrasion hurts the most. That thin film of skin scraped from the flesh. That stinging wound too shallow to trigger blood....

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Of Supernovas and Parallel Universes

You know how the forces of the universe
Are so powerful they can compel stars
To explode into blazing supernovas?
Then transform them into endless black holes -- 
Ominous, mysterious, beautiful?

Those are the same forces that pull me to you.
The same energies that push you to someone else.
So, tell me, What can I do against such raw power?

Braver souls may have fought.
May have raged with tears and blood.
May have pulled their guts from the inside out,
Placed them in front of their shields made of bones
Tied together by bloodied heartstrings,
And charged forward, challenging fate to break their conviction.

And they may have succeeded.
Or perhaps they may have been destroyed in the silly war they have waged.
But they would have fought hard,
Until there were no bones left to break.
No blood to spill.
Is love a worthy prize for such terrible sacrifice?

Alas, I will never know.
For I have the courage of a worm;
I have the strength of a bubble floating in the wind.
Unable to defy the limits of my circumstance.

I will never be able to stop you from going to her.
After all, who am I to you?
You live in a universe that revolves around her.
While I'm here -- in my messed up, wretched world --
Forever haunted by the ghost of your smile.

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