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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I Joined for Nothing~

Lately, I’ve been joining online communities that promise extra income. Sites like eYeka, hitRECord and Earnmailer. The problem is, I can’t really participate in these communities without the needed resources. Well except for Earnmailer that is. With Earnmailer, all you have to do is paste their urls onto your email and send as many emails as you can. So far I already have $1 and 18 cents. Hahaha! Lame, I know.
Anyway, back to my rant. eYeka gives its members the opportunity to join film and video making competitions from big companies. And hitRECord — well, basically they do remixes from their members’ contributions (i.e. video, music video, short film, poem, prose, photo, artwork). When your “record” is included to the remixes, you get part of the over-all income. My page though, as of now, is only composed of texts and pictures - not as interesting as the ones with multi-media records. 
I would have profited from these online communities - although not financially, at least the experience and self-training I could have developed in my video making skills. I’m sad because that skill is the passion I’ve been feeding since college. Short film making is my passion. I keep on fueling it by joining in these kinds of online communities. But hello! Another tragedy - as I stated earlier, I don’t have the needed resources. The basics (camera and laptop) would have given me more avenues to excel in my craft. 
I’m saving up to get these babies. But until then, I will have to make do with my current resources - which is my computer in our office and an occasional borrowed camera from my friend, Tip. And of course, perseverance, patience and a positive attitude.
Oh well. the story of my life. 

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